Warren Village needs our help!

After spending time with the inspiring women at Warren Village, I want to continue to help this amazing organization as much as possible! This email came across my desk and I wanted to pass along the information and see if there is anything you may be able to contribute to make this day spectacular! Please see Brianna’s message below and contact her directly….

Thank you in advance!
Brandi S. Shigley | Founder of Fashion Denver


I am writing to let you know about an upcoming event benefitting Warren Village parents called “Millionaire’s Pampering”. This event, which will take place on April 11th, has been put on by a dedicated volunteer for the last 20+ years, and the goal is to give our parents a relaxing day of beauty and pampering treatments, free of charge. It’s a day that builds confidence and self-esteem, and makes everyone feel valued and beautiful! The event is entirely coordinated and hosted by volunteers who bring in massage therapists, hair stylists, and beauty professionals to serve 50 parents. 

Warren Village

To make this day really special, we are seeking small gifts and door-prizes. These could range from gift certificates to hair brushes, jewelry to make-up, and everything in between. I know you put on your amazing fashion show each year, and I wondered if you might have any contacts who would be interested in supporting our event with in-kind donations or volunteer services.

 I’d be happy to discuss any of this in further detail, and of course, please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions at all!

Brianna Cook | Volunteer Services Manager

Warren Village
1323 Gilpin St.
Denver, CO 80218
303-320-5032-direct office


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