Sweet nothings…

One of our biggest passions is seeing designers start out with an idea, execute their idea, and make things happen!  Shelby Stone, designer of So Simply Delicious share her experience with Fashion Denver.

“I’ve been dabbling in jewelry designing and spa products for years but I’ve never considered it anything more than a hobby. Now, thanks to Fashion Denver, I can actually dream big! Thank you Brandi Shigley, for helping me turn So Simply Delicious into a true money-making venture!”

You are VERY welcome Shelby! We love having you at the shop and we’re enjoying watching your business grow! If you are a designer interested in growing your business see how Fashion Denver can help you!

Shelby just dropped off some delicious soaps. So delicious that you may want to eat them but no no no!! You must wash and pamper yourself!

Yummy! Not for eating though, simply pampering yourself!

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