All posts by bmac

Wag On Project: Every animal in a loving home

A company that not only designs quality apparel AND has a huge heart for animals?! YES PLEASE!! We are so excited to have Wag On Project at Fashion Denver’s 15th-anniversary market!!!

Let’s learn more from designer Tiffany Tushar, shall we?

What inspired your love for fashion and fashion design?

I’ve known from a very young age I not only loved clothing but I was influenced by everything I saw people wearing. I absolutely love the melting pot of styles you can see when you go just about anywhere. Whether I’m in one of the fashion capitols, or simply walking into a local coffee shop, I’m always fascinated to see what people woke up and decided to wear that day.

I found my place with fashion through sales. After working the retail gig for many years, I knew I needed more and moved on to work for different fashion and consumer brands in B2B, D2C and everything in between. It was through my diverse experience in working with women’s designer, menswear and lifestyle that I grew to love every aspect of fashion.

What is the first thing you ever designed?

‘Your Everything’ V-Neck Tee by Wag On Project 😉

How long Read more!