Fashion Denver and The Lion Project

Fashion Denver x Lion Project: Partnering for a Purpose at Gust Elementary

At Fashion Denver, we believe in the transformative power of fashion and community engagement. That’s why we’re thrilled to announce our partnership with the Lion Project on their next service endeavor at Gust Elementary. Together, we’re working to create a market that will provide essential resources to low-income families in our community. Here’s how you can join us in making a difference.

Building the Market: What We Need

To ensure the market at Gust Elementary is fully functional and welcoming, we are collecting the following items:

  1. Shelving: To display food, clothing, and toiletries effectively.
  2. Clothing Racks on Casters: Easy mobility for flexible space management.
  3. Organization Bins: For sorting and storing various items.
  4. Shoe Racks: To keep footwear accessible and organized.
  5. Hangers (75 to 100): For hanging clothes neatly.
  6. Chalkboard, Chalk, and Erasers: To create a menu of available items for families, visible from the cafeteria side of the counter window.
  7. Hanging Baskets for Fruit Display: To present fresh fruit attractively.
  8. Bin of Reusable Bags: Pre-filled based on family needs, promoting sustainability.

How You Can Help

Your contributions—whether through donations of these items, volunteering your time, or spreading the word—make a meaningful impact. Here’s how you can get involved:

  • Donate Items: If you have any of the above items in good condition or can contribute towards purchasing them, your generosity will directly benefit families in need.
  • Volunteer: Join us on-site as we set up the market or assist in organizing donated items.
  • Spread Awareness: Share this initiative with your friends, family, and colleagues. Together, we can amplify our impact.

Why This Matters

The market at Gust Elementary isn’t just about providing physical goods; it’s about fostering dignity and community. By creating a welcoming space where families can access essentials with ease, we’re promoting empowerment and inclusivity. Every item donated and every volunteer hour spent contributes to building a stronger, more supportive community for all.

Join Us in Making a Difference

Fashion Denver and the Lion Project are excited to embark on this journey of compassion and action. Together, we can create a market that not only meets practical needs but also nurtures hope and resilience within our community. Let’s come together to make a positive difference at Gust Elementary and beyond.

Thank you for your support and generosity. Together, we’re not just changing lives—we’re building a better tomorrow.

Stay tuned for updates and ways to get involved. For more information or to donate, please contact [Your Contact Information]. Let’s make a difference, one step at a time.