Interview with Nikki Strickler, runway producer for DFW

We’re thrilled to introduce Nikki Strickler, the visionary runway producer for Denver Fashion Week’s upcoming Designer Challenge. In this interview, we’ll delve into her unique approach to fashion production, and uncover what makes this Designer Challenge particularly special. Join us as Nikki shares her insights, challenges, and the excitement that goes into crafting one of Denver’s most anticipated fashion events.

Nikki StricklerWhat inspired you to create the Designer Challenge, and how does it fit into the larger vision for Denver Fashion Week?

The Emerging Designer Challenge was created to support and elevate Denver’s growing and diverse fashion scene. Many local designers just beginning their brands have the talent to be successful, but are missing the platform to get their designs in front of more eyes. It’s a one of a kind experience for smaller brands to showcase their talent without worry of getting overshadowed by recognizable names. We involve the audience and a panel of industry professionals as judges to choose the two brands who will get to present a full collection at Denver Fashion Week Fall 2024. As much as we love our well known fashion designers in Denver, it’s always exciting to have some guaranteed new, fresh talent in the Denver Fashion Week lineup.

Can you share a bit about the selection process for the designers participating in the challenge? What qualities or elements are you looking for in their work?

Traditionally, I’ve selected the designers participating by early submissions for showing in the actual Denver Fashion Week shows and by scouting on social media/other local fashion shows looking for designers who fall under the “emerging” category.

This season, the first thing I looked for was how long the brand has been in business and what thought they’ve put in about the trajectory of their brand. As the EDC continues to grow and draws more interest for participation, it’s important to me that the show stays true to the spirit behind the challenge and is featuring true emerging talent in Colorado. There is not necessarily a specific style or skill level I look for when selecting brands, but it is always important to me that the lineup features a range of design styles and varying industry experience amongst the designers. I suppose the vision for what I’m looking for in a designer/brand narrows as the 5 show slots begin to fill up.

Since this is a competition for designers who have never shown at DFW before, what are you most excited about seeing from these fresh talents?

I’m always very excited to see how designers decide to use other important elements of the fashion show, like model casting choices, music, and hair and makeup styling, to complete the experience of their brand and how they want the audience to feel about it.

How do you think the outdoor setting will influence the designers’ creations and the overall atmosphere of the challenge?

I do think the runway environment can be a factor in a designer’s creative process when making detail oriented decisions, like shoes for example. 

What kind of experience do you hope attendees will have at the Designer Challenge? How do you plan to make it memorable for both the designers and the audience?

I hope they leave being a fan of a new brand and eager to see full collections from two new designers this Fall. 

Can you give us a sneak peek into any unique features or surprises that might be part of the event?

We’re very excited about our venue hosting us, Dairy Block, who is curating a special cocktail menu featuring drinks specific to Denver Fashion Week and the Emerging Designer Challenge.

How will the winner of the Designer Challenge be selected, and what kind of opportunities will they have as a result?

The audience will have the chance to be involved by scanning the QR code in their program after the 5 designers have shown their collection to vote for their favorite. Our panel of judges will be making their decision based on a grading rubric of many different aspects of the collection and the overall segment experience. Our host for the evening, Erica Lopez, will announce both winners before the night is over.

What advice would you give to the participating designers as they prepare for this challenge?

Consider what element you’re incorporating into each outfit that creates a cohesive collection. It’s important that the models look like they belong together when they are on the runway.

How do you see the Designer Challenge evolving in the future, and what are your hopes for its impact on Denver’s fashion scene?

I hope this show feels like a tangible goal for up and coming designers in Colorado who deserve a bigger platform.

If you could collaborate with any designer or fashion icon, past or present, who would it be and why?

I think my answer to this question is always changing, but right now, I’d say Alexander McQueen. I’ve been inspired by his Taxi Driver and Voss collections recently. I would have loved to see what his creative process was like when piecing together a concept for a show.

Follow Nikki on Instagram @ NikkiSticklerr