Up Close and Purse-onal with Best of DFW

Getting up close and purse-onal with the best of Denver Fashion Week exhibit was a thrilling experience. I spent the evening discussing style with some of Denver’s most stylish guests. I was in awe from the moment I arrived, as our night kicked off with a private tour of the gallery. Listening to the stories and inspiration behind the photos and collections on display, I was most impressed with the thoughtfulness of the interactive elements. There were sample textiles to touch and fabric arranged artfully to create the perfect backdrop for a photo-opp. Feeling the materials the designers worked with highlighted the hard work and creativity that went into making these pieces so spectacular.

Click this link to the 303 Magazine article to read about the featured designers!

Photo By: Amanda Piela

I also enjoyed the wide variety of styles showcased in the gallery. There was everything from delicate flowery dresses to giant metal, spikey neck pieces. The exhibit truly encompassed all the different tastes that make Denver such an interesting fashion hub.  

Photo By: Amanda Piela

Another impressive aspect of the event were the people in attendance. Not only were there a substantial amount of people that came, but the guests were of all ages. I was surprised to see teenagers, twenty-somethings, middle-aged adults, and even a toddler or two all buzzing with excitement as they marveled at the collections. Models and designers also mingled amongst the crowd as well.

Photo By: Amanda Piela

Attending this event helped me to better understand and appreciate the fashion community in this city. I spend most of my days on a college campus where demanding course loads make spotting any street wear more fashionable than a sweatshirt and leggings combo a rare occurrence. So being surrounded by people who care as much about engaging in the fashion world and celebrating style as I do was truly uplifting. Seeing these innovative designs that represent the past decade of Denver Fashion amplified my anticipation for the fashion to come. 

Check out the ‘Best of Denver Fashion Week’ exhibit now until April 7th in the McNichols Civics Center at 144 W Colfax Ave, Denver, CO 80202.