Well hello spring!

Hello there from the Fashion Denver World HQ here in the Golden Triangle of Denver, Colorado! It’s been a busy past few months!

My orphanage, the RSCC in Quezon City
My orphanage, the RSCC in Quezon City

My trip to the Philippines was truly a life changing adventure. Visiting my orphanage from which I came from had such a lasting impact on me and to be able to connect my world here with Fashion Denver and to my world in the Philippines is such a blessing.  The Sunshine Daydream event is the start of connecting these 2 important aspects of my life! Make a dress, donate a dress, and add a splash of color to a child’s life with your creativity! To learn more about the dress drive, click here!


10634079_10205439348131431_3626750693180227068_oWe said a teary “See ya later” to our fabulous intern Alyssa who spent the spring with us from Colorado State University. Alyssa graduated last week and is off to set sail in the world! We know she will go far. We love you Alyssa! Thank you for spending the spring with us!


As the summer months unfold before our very eyes, endless possibilities of fun events come to mind. We are in the works of planning a Fashion Denver field day! Yep, you heard it right.. good ol’ fashioned field day! Complete with the 50-yard dash, 3 legged race, egg in the spoon race, and so much more! Date and location are being tossed around right now!  Instead of doing a summer market, we’re thinking of doing mini markets set at different locations around Denver and maybe even one right here in front of our HQ!

Please come on back to our website as these events unfold!



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